Let's Work Together

Send us a message to book in or enquire about a session.

By contacting us you have read and agreed to the terms of service and the privacy policy.

When contacting us please be patient and keep in mind that I am a mum with other commitments, I will be in contact at my first chance

please note we do not work out of a studio we are solely outdoor based photography.

Terms of service

It is understood that Photography by SHADY SNAPS is the exclusive, official photographer retained to perform photographic services requested. 

Photographer reserves the right to use RAW images, edited images and/or reproductions for advertising, display, publication or other purposes, not restricted to use on the web, Facebook, business cards, or posters. 

No part of any order will be delivered until the balance is paid in full. Original photographs are not included, only edits. Photographer retains the right to edit the photographs and omit any image. It is understood that Photographer will not deliver every exposure taken. Client agrees to abide by Photographer’s editing decisions. Client is responsible for making a backup of all photos from the digital download. Photographer will make every attempt to keep archival copies of photos but does not guarantee that they will be retained indefinitely. Client shall assist and cooperate with Photographer in obtaining desired photographs. Photographer shall not be responsible for photographs not taken as a result of Client’s failure to provide reasonable assistance or cooperation. Client will be respectful to Photographer and all parties being photographed. Photographer has the right to end the session, without refund, if there is lack of cooperation or respect. 

Client will not hold Photographer or the owner of the property liable for any injury that may occur during the session. 

The charges in this Contract are based on Photographer’s Standard Price List. This price list is adjusted periodically and future orders shall be charged at the prices in effect at the time the order is placed. 

In the event Photographer files suit to enforce any term or condition herein, Photographer is entitled to expenses of litigation, including reasonable legal fees.

Privacy policy

NOTICE OF COPYRIGHT: It is ILLEGAL to copy or reproduce these photographs without Photographer’s permission, and violators of Law will be subject to its civil and criminal penalties. 

Photographer retains copyright to the photographs. Printing and/or distribution rights granted as disclosed to each client . 

All retainers and payments are non-refundable.